Terminator 2 Pinball Machine by Williams


Stock Photo Shown – Refurbished Item

Condition: Refurbished
Year Released: 1991
Dimensions: 28″ W x 56″ D x 77″ H
Weight: 250 lbs
Lead Time: 6-8 weeks

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Terminator 2 pinball machine was designed by Steve Ritchie and released by Williams Electronics. It is based on the popular movie.

The table is the first Williams WPC machine designed to feature a dot-matrix display. But due to the long design phase, Gilligan’s Island was the first manufactured with a DMD. Terminator 2: Judgment Day was the first game to feature an autoplunger (replacing the traditional plunger), as well as a ball-firing cannon. Finally, T2 was the first game to feature a video mode, a mini video game featured on the DMD. Arnold Schwarzenegger provided voices for the game. The playfield design was based on Ritchie’s 1980 classic, Firepower. T-1000 was not included in the artwork of the table, with the exception of a small image of actor Robert Patrick because of pre-release secrecy of the movie. The character was only included in the display animation because when the DMD programming was finalizing the liquid metal character was already public knowledge.

Game Features:

Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Ramps (2), Kick-out holes (2), Ball cannon (1), Video mode, Left outlane kickback, Autoplunger. Vertical Up-kicker under skull kicks the ball through a habitrail to the cannon on the right side of the playfield. Cannon then oscillates allowing player to aim for any of five targets on left side of playfield. Pulling trigger on shooter gun fires cannon.

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